Signs – World’s First Deaf Restaurant

Have you ever been to a restaurant and had a hard time ordering food because of a miscommunication?

Now imagine how much harder it is to order food if you’re deaf and you find a way to get the waiter to understand what you want to order. Canadian Entrepreneur, Anjan Manikumar, recognized deaf customer’s struggle when ordering food and decided to design a restaurant that catered to their needs.  The deaf population in Toronto is estimated around 50,000 people so there is a large demand for this service.  So Anjen created his restaurant, Signs.signs1

Signs provides a unique dining experience for consumers because they have to use american sign language to order their food. When customers first enter the restaurant, they are told that they will have to use sign language throughout the meal. For customers who don’t know how to use sign language, each table has a cheat sheet with pictures to teach them how ofo1hyuto sign and can help them order food.  Signs has gained popularity because it provides a unique experience for both the deaf community and average customers.  Since all communication is done using sign language, the deaf community does not have to worry when it comes to ordering their food and for other customers. Signs has become a popular dining location for the deaf community and has attracted many customers who want to learn sign language.

Not only is the restaurant providing deaf people with a dining experience that caters to them, it also provides a new opportunity for deaf people to find employment. The entire staff consists of employees who know sign language or who are hearing impaired. News about Signs hiring deaf employees attracted over 200 applications because it’s difficult to find employment when you can’t hear, especially at a restaurant. For some of the employees, Signs is their first full time job.  1415700380506_wps_9_pic_by_hotspot_media_worl


Signs provides an amazing dining experience because it “challenges the misconception that deaf people are disabled, they just speak a different language.”



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